Casey Vallee

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In a landlocked, quarry-speckled state, Casey Vallee learned of the opportunity to start her professional career track in the scuba diving industry. While finishing her bachelor’s degree at Indiana University in Bloomington, Casey began work at Southern Indiana Scuba as a summer job in 2017 – and she never quit! Her collegiate pursuit awarded her a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, a certificate in Underwater Resource Management, a minor in Geography, and an individualized minor in Ocean Technology.
Since 2016, Casey has obtained over 70 total scuba-related certifications – recreational, professional, and industrial. A full-time diving specialist at Southern Indiana Scuba, Casey is an Assistant Instructor Trainer with Scuba Schools International; she can teach over 25 scuba specialties. She plans to obtain her SSI Master Instructor recognition rating this year, as well as her SSI Instructor Trainer rating.
At Southern Indiana Scuba, Casey has apprenticed under Mark Brooks, the dive center’s owner and operator since 1998 and employee and diver since 1989, totaling over 10,000 hours learning the workings of the dive industry and related disciplines. With Brooks’ guidance and mentorship, Casey has become a hydrostatic retest operator, a PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspector, a regulator repair technician, and a seasoned scuba instructor.
As a PSI-PCI Instructor, Casey plans to help continue the legacy Southern Indiana Scuba has set in educating the Midwest and beyond in cylinder safety. Specifically, she intends to continue making available PSI-PCI training to public safety organizations, healthcare facilities, and other high-pressure handlers in her area. She believes proactive education programs are the ticket to meeting PSI-PCI’s goal of zero explosions.